Thursday, July 31, 2008

What to Write???

What to write??? I'm really not sure. I actually have attempted this post a couple of times now, but I just can't seem to come up with something that warrants hitting the "Save Now" button. Maybe as I am typing I will come up with something.

Ooh, I thought of something.

(Be forewarned that this is a Project Runway story.)

There is a person on Project Runway whose name is Suede (I can't imagine that is his real name, but that is what the little moniker reads when he does his "editorial" part.) Anyway, Suede likes to refer to himself a lot in the third person. "Wow, Suede bought some beautiful fabric. Suede just doesn't know why that designer is here. Suede is way better than that other designer."

Lots and lots of third person.

Strangely enough, that is not the point of this tangent. Here is the point (or the reason for me telling you this)...years ago, my dad had some group homes for high functioning special needs adults. Anyway, my dad's name is Dwade (yes, an unusual name, but that is another story). One of the men in the group home could never understand what my dad's name was, so he called my dad Suede. As a result, we still refer to my dad as Suede some of the time.

Now when I watch Project Runway and Suede comes on the screen, I have to giggle because the over-dramatic fashion designer who refers to himself in the third person is definitely not the Suede that I know.


Roxanne said...

I would have to agree that Dwade is not an ordinary name. And I thought Roxanne was uncommon. :)

Anonymous said...

Only I thought that we would spell Suede "Swade", but what whould I know. I can't spell either.


karen b said...

my 2 cents: "suede" seems kind of cliche for a designer. it's like calling yourself "corduroy" or "silk."

btw, this is karen barker from altamesa--hi!!