Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cornucopia of Items

Cell phones in bathrooms...DO NOT ANSWER THEM IN THE BATHROOM...eeewww gross. Yep, this happened to me today. I am in the restroom waiting my turn, and I hear the cell phone of a lady in one of the stalls ring. What does she do? Ignore it? Nope. Look at the screen to see who she might need to call back? Nope. No, in fact she decides that sitting in a stall using the restroom is the perfect place to take a phone call. Again, I have to say eeeewwwww gross.


Jason Mraz. I get to see him in concert! I am super super excited. Granted, it is not until October, but I am still very much looking forward to it. Now, if only NKOTB would make their way to Houston on tour. That would complete my concert experience.


My niece (the one with the beam in the living room) has taught one of my dogs how to walk down the beam, turn around, walk back, sit on the beam, and then stand on two legs. He definitely seems ready for the Olympics. On other note, I tried to get her to let me video her new beam dismount the other day to post. She wouldn't have any of it. So, you will just have to envision a back flip (in tuck, pike, or layout position...she can do all three) off the beam.


Due to the events of the past week, I have had a chance to catch up on my reading. So, I have some books to recommend.

1. A Persistent Peace: One Man's Struggle for a Nonviolent World - This book is written by (and is about) Father John Dear, a Jesuit Priest, who has spent the majority of his life as a peace activist throughout the world. It is a good overview of the history of the peace movement over the past few decades.

2. A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon - This is the same guy who wrote The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (my all-time favorite book). This one is just as quirky and irreverent as Curious. This one is told from a family perspective and watches as their lives unravel.

3. Three Cups of Tea by David Oliver Relin - I have just started this one, but so far I am very much enjoying it.


Phillips Family said...

Tobe and I are wondering when we get to come over and practice our beam routine in your parents' living room.

karen b said...

thanks for the book reviews; i also loved Curious Incident, so i'll definitely look up Spot of Bother