Monday, September 8, 2008

I Heart Infomercials

As my dear, sweet friends know, I absolutely "heart" infomericals. This love of "all things sold on television" dates back to my days of college insomnia where late at night, when I couldn't sleep, I would sit up and see what wonderful, new product Ronco product was now available.

The Ronco Food Dehydrator tempted me for years. I am not sure if it was the red "As Seen on TV" logo that was plastered across the product, or the possibility of purposefully drying out every bit of food that was in my house for the low low cost of $49.99, the point is that I was hooked.

Even now on my nights of insomnia, I will flip through the channels and see what wonderful product is being shamelessly hocked on television for an incredibly low price no doubt, and imagine how empty my life is without that product.

In honor of this love, I want to let you in on some of the current products being sold and tell you that these, too, could be yours for a "low, low price."

The ShamWow is better than a towel. "It holds 21 times its weight in liquid." Don't tell me you can't live without that.

The Smart Spin - If you are too lazy to clean up your cupboards and stack your storage containers neatly, then just buy this, and they will do the job for you. My only question is what happens if you get a little too wild and crazy with your spinning?

The Aero Garden - Growing herbs and vegetables in your house. This is perfect for the pasty white people. Imagine never having to go out in the sun ever again.

The Big City Slider - This little device makes perfect, small hamburger patties. The concept is place a ball of meat in the bottom tray and set the press on at its easiest. Now you do have to spend a good bit of time scraping all of the little pieces out of the burger press, but the little burgers are so cute that it almost seems worth it.

Mighty Putty - Can I tell you every time I see this infomercial, I desperately want to break all the handles off my coffee cups and refashion new ones out of the might putty. I even want to add a second handle to the other side.

Pro Caulk - This is the newest infomerical that I have seen. This little gadget takes a bead of caulk and spreads if evenly with "8 sealing edges." The one drawback of this infomercial is that when your whole product revolves around spreading caulk, then that is all that will happen in a 30 minute infomerical.

Enjoy your look at these new products, and for the record, I only own one of these marvelous ASoTV items.


Deborah said...

Okay, what is it about these things that are so addictive to watch?!

But how could you leave out "Set it, and forget it!"...

Anonymous said...

So, did you say which one you own? If not you have to spill!

Jennifer Schroeder said...

Deborah, I am not sure what it is about infomercials that draws me to them. Maybe it is the fact that every price ends in .99, and that feeds my OCD nature.

Nichole, I own the smart spin.