Saturday, February 2, 2008

Teaching the Ladies Bible Class

So, I have been working this evening on a lesson that I am going teach on Tuesday at Ladies Bible Class. The topic I was given is "God is _________." Such a broad many options. I struggled for awhile trying to decide how to end that sentence. The topic I finally settled on was, "God is my strength." So, as I have been working on the lesson (that I may actually share with you guys once it is finished), a hymn kept popping my head. What an amazing reminder of God's strength and presence!

I am a sheep and the Lord is my shepherd,
Watching over my soul.
My soul to keep guarding over me ever,
Watching wherever I go.
And when the winds blow He is my shelter!
And when I'm lost and alone,
He rescues me!
And when the Lion comes,
He is my victory!
Constantly watching over me!
He is constantly watching over me!
We are his children and he is our Father,
Watching over our souls.
Great is His love for His sons and His daughters,
Watching wherever we go.

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