Friday, January 11, 2008

Who Knew? I have a few things to confess.

#1--I have the channel Soapnet on my T.V.

#2--I am embarrassed to admit that I actually record a show on Soapnet.

#3--That show is The O.C.

#4--I did not see the show when it was originally airing on Fox.

#5--Now I find that I am curious to know if Marissa and Ryan are to end up together. Or, if Summer or Anna will win Seth's affections.

#6--Yes, I am now officially an O.C. addict.


Roxanne said...

Know NOTHING about The OC, but a good soap comes in handy every now and again, so more power to ya.

Phillips Family said...

I have Soapnet as well, and for a while was watching 90210 reruns everyday with Evelyn while she ate and before Isaac woke-up from naptime. E. didn't quite understand the whole Dylan/Brenda/Kelly love triangle, but I am sure she will eventually catch on.

Valerie said...

The OC is in syndication here and I think at this point (especially after my bedrest) I have just about seen every episode. I don't know what it is that makes it so compelling--I never had the desire to watch it before, but after one episode, I was hooked. (Russ is too, even though he won't admit it!)

Deborah said...

Admitting your problem is always the first step. I'm proud of you.