Sunday, March 2, 2008

Woe Is Me this is my "woe is me" blog entry. I guess I should actually call it my woe is me/I miss my friends entry. I really miss my Saturn Road posse.

I miss having people that I can hang out with and call with random thoughts. People who will pull over to the side of the road to answer a text message. I miss having people I can be myself with. I had a couple of people tell me that this transition would be hard because I came in as a hire, and there is so much more that goes with that, and boy were they right. Don't get me wrong, I really like it here, and I really like my job, but needless to say, I am having a "woe is me" night.

I'm a little tired of feeling so isolated. I miss my friends.


Roxanne said...

I am so sorry that you miss your friends. . .I know how hard it is to come into a new situation, but I travel with my "posse" with me, so I only know a fraction of the angst you are feeling. And I am so, so sorry. We love you. . .but that doesn't take the place of having people you know at your beck and call. (Have you seen Pretty Woman? If so, then you NEED to laugh at my "beck and call" reference.)

:) Hugs to you--from afar--so as not to get into your personal space.

Nichole said...

I live here and I miss my friends!! I'm sorry you are haveing a woe as me night!! Hang in there it takes time to meet people that are worth meeting!!!

Nichole said...

Also I forgot to add.....YOU ARE MISSED!!!

Lisa K. said...

Did you get my email? The weird thing is that I haven't been able to access your blog for a long time. Please know that we miss you so much, and you can call me with a random thought any time! The randomer, the better.