Monday, March 3, 2008


So, we just began (yesterday) our new Elementary Bible Class curriculum called Journey Land. The theme behind it called for a complete renovation of our rooms. I thought you might enjoy seeing the renovations. There are still items that need to be finished in each room, but they are definitely very cool. The rooms were originally all painted battleship gray and were very dated. Here are some pictures.

Joseph's Workshop (Art, Science, & Cooking)

Solomon's Portico (Storytelling)

The Coliseum (Drama & Theater)...this room is the least finished, but will be shortly.

The Room of Ancient Scrolls (Geography & Culture)

Hallelujah Hall (Music & Memory)

Samuel's Playhouse


Lynn Leaming said...

Take it you are doing the rotation model? A lot of work I know! But the kids will love it. I love the bean bag chairs in the music room!

Phillips Family said...

Wow..that is awesome! I want to come to sunday school at your church!

Money Bags said...

All the rooms look great. So I guess you got the city permits worked out? The Dirk video was great. Sorry you've had some down days. You could drop by a school in your neighborhood and help with TAKS to brighten your day!?! :-)

Nichole said...

That looks amazing!! When do you sleep??