Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Interesting Day

Well, it has been an interesting day so far.

For those of you in the Houston area, we have all been "blessed" with a torrential downpour for the last few hours. I just got home from running some errands, and my clothes are soaked. At least it is an excuse to put on pajamas.

While I was out and about, I was on the phone with my mother who is at my niece's track meet. Midway through the conversation, my mother starts yelling at the top of her lungs. Apparently, one of my niece's classmates was running the hurdles, and mother felt the need to cheer her on while talking on the phone with me. So, my eardrum gets busted to the sounds of "Go, Axi! You can do it! Keep going! I don't know where the finish line is, but keep going." Now first of all, I feel for the girl because yes, that really is the girl's name (poor girl), and secondly, my mother needs to work on her cheering because that was just sad.

I woke up really early this morning realizing that I had forgotten to put the beans on to soak overnight. So, I went ahead and got up and did that so I could make some baked beans tonight.

Then, I figured that while I was up, I would go ahead and pick up a few items that I forgot to get at the store. One of the items I needed was Children's Benadryl. My dogs have bad allergies, and while I was at the vet yesterday, they suggested I put them back on Benadryl. Well, apparently they have stopped making both the chewables and the tablet form of Children' Benadryl, so I decided to look at adult Benadryl to see if I could just break a tablet in half. As I was reading the back of the box, I saw the warning label. Printed on the back of the box was "Benadryl should not be given to make a child sleepy." I started giggling in the store. Then I picked up a number of other brands of allergy medicine, and Benadryl was the only one with that warning.

I also got to spend a great deal of time in Mardel's today. We have a new one in my area of town, and I just walked up and down the aisles until my heart was content.

I just can't imagine my day becoming any more exciting.

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