Friday, April 4, 2008


Thrifty, economical, frugal, parsimonious, prudent, or cheap. Those are all words that describe me. I love saving money. It's almost like a game. My electric bill is generally around $13 each month, and I love perusing the circulars and clipping coupons. It's because of my spendthrift ways that I have stumbled on a website that I want to let you guys know about. It is It is the best blog ever!!!!!

Now, along these lines, I am now to the point where I wish I no longer had a tattoo (yes, dear mother, fall off the chair when you read that; you are finally right). To make matters worse, it is on my ankle. So, because I don't want to influence the kids in any way, if I wear a skirt to church, I have to put a band-aid over it. I looked into scar make-up and have a couple that kind of work, but it is like an artist session to make them match the shading of my pasty white ankles (who knew pasty involved a number of uber pale colors).

So, I did some investigating. Laser surgery is horribly expensive, and I checked into those tattoo removal creams. No legitimate source of dermatology indicates that those work at all. I thought about asking a tattoo artist if they could tattoo over it with white, and then it would just look like those large white patches that Michael Jackson claims he has. However, because it has color in it, white won't make a difference. However, what about purple? Yes, honest to goodness, that is what flashed through my mind (what about purple). I could get a tattoo person to go over it in and create an odd shape in purple and then just pretend it is a port wine stain. It would only cost like $35. What to do, what to do.

For the moment, my tattoo remains, I have a full supply of band-aids, and I am wearing lots of pants.


Phillips Family said...

I want to get my tattoo removed as well---it is quite expensive and painful, but worth it before the children actually realize what it is. Oh to go back and change that decision made so many years ago!

Deborah said...

I prefer to call myself a good steward...okay, I'm cheap too.

That cracks me up about your tatoo. I wish you could give your "tatoo testimony" to some of our 18-year-olds at church, who rush to the tatoo parlor the second they get to college.

You know, you could always smudge it with a little blue ink and call it a bruise...that keeps getting reinjured??

Deborah said...

OOO OOO OOO I know! Call it a contusion--that sounds much worse.

Roxanne said...

I have NEVER even noticed the bandaids or the proliferation of pants, but, alas, I have no solution. Sorry.

Oh. . .I know. . .QUIT shaving your legs!!!! The hair will cover the tattoo. . .OR no one will want to look at your legs, thereby they will not see the tattoo.

Roxanne said...

'ats all I got.