Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Need Ideas

Help, I desperately need ideas for blog posts. I just can't come up with anything. I've had LOTS of little things happen over the week, but I think they all fall into "you don't want to hear about that" category.

Here are just a few things that you WOULDN'T want to read as a full-fledged blog post.

  1. How I caught my toenail on a chair as I was moving it and now have only 9 toenails.
  2. The person in front of me at the HEB checkout line who decided that it was the appropriate time to pick her teeth.
  3. The fact that I have lost my "to do" list (you have no idea how much information this list contained), and I have been frantically searching my office for it.
  4. The adverse reaction I had to the "past due" soy milk I tried to drink for breakfast the other day.
  5. My shopping excursion to 2 Michaels and 3 Hobby Lobbys in search of a particular type of foam.

Unless I come up with an idea soon, there is a good chance that one of the abovementioned topics will make up the content of my next blog post.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

I have no doubt that whatever you choose to write about will be immensely entertaining to me.

How about a list (with pictures) of some of your favorite things right now?