Saturday, December 20, 2008

I Only Have Myself to Blame

Whew...I am finally home. Yes, even after much declaration that I would not set foot into the stores today, I ended up going Christmas shopping. In my defense, I realized that I was missing a couple of gifts because I forgot one person (yes, I know I am a horrible relative) and the other person's gift never arrived.

So, about noon today, I set off towards the mall. I ended up going to one that was terribly near me because I also had a haircut appointment. I cruised down the interstate towards this mall, and as I neared my exit, I saw a massive back-up of cars. I thought that certainly there must have been a wreck. Nope. No wreck. It was all cars trying to get to the mall.

I should have come to grips with reality right then, but the lure of a fresh haircut kept me going towards the mall.

Fast forward a few hours, and I successfully navigated through most of the shops in the mall with no luck as far as gifts go (although, I was highly tempted to purchase a retro Green Lantern watch to give to my dad as his Christmas gift; I don't think he would have dug it quite as much as I did).

Well, my hair is freshly cut, and I am sitting on my couch. I would proclaim again that I refuse to hit the stores again. However, I am still short 2 Christmas gifts. What if I wrapped up my extra cans of Muir Glen tomatoes? Could those be considered reasonable Christmas gifts?

1 comment:

Jacinda said...

Well, for some reason, Gracie has ended up with way more gifts than Katie or Ellie. Ellie is still very young and will not know the difference. Katie is not so young and may know the difference unfortunately. So...I may be hitting a store in the quest for "just a couple more things" for Katie. ugh It's not that she needs more....but I want to be fair...or at least closer to it!