Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ode to Lisa and Nichole

Okay...this is my ode to Lisa and Nichole who both made me feel so much better tonight in my misery (long story).

So, I am going to take a moment to tell you about them.

Lisa has promised to smock me a pair of overalls for many years, but still hasn't gotten it done, and every 30+ year old needs a pair of smocked overalls. Also, she and her husband have "lied" to their kids and told them they were taking a trip to see plantations and civil war sights when they were actually going to Disney World.

Nichole laughs openly at me and has been known to start quite a few emails to me with the phrase, "I'm going to shoot you." She also is the human weather channel and most times of the day can be found actually watching for incoming storms to tell everyone about.

Regardless and because of these things, these two ladies are two of the most wonderful people I know. They let me randomly call, text, email, and IM them with usually the same complaint, and they listen and commiserate each and every time.

Everyone needs a Lisa and Nichole.


Roxanne said...

Have 'em. They are called Sarah and Carolyn.

Glad you have both a Lisa AND a Nichole.

Jacinda said...

Yeah, it's good to have Lisa's & Nichole's!