Friday, August 8, 2008

Random Thoughts

So, the last few days have been a flurry of activity and thoughts. Rather than blog properly and tell you about all of it, I think I will try to sum up each event in just a few sentences.

1. Drove to Dallas Thursday night and back to Houston Friday morning. Long drive, but my dad changed my oil and filled up my car with gas.

2. I HEART HEART HEART the olympics. Yes, I do cry at all the human interest stories. Do you remember the deaf swimmer? He couldn't hear the starting gun which obviously made it difficult to know when to actually enter the pool, but how important is the starting gun really?

3. The new Beverly Hills 90210 debuts on September 2. Come on, admit are just as excited as I am about the revival of Shannen Doherty's career.

4. I have discovered that I am a bit addicted to the word games (Scramble and Wordpath) on Facebook. I have also discovered that I am not very smart at those games.

5. Eleven days and counting till Dallas vacation. As much as I love my job in Houston, I am very excited to have friends for a week.

6. I watching the opening ceremonies as I type this. Do you think more drummers have ever been gathered in one location at one time before? Do you really think there should ever be this many drummers in one location at one time? I think it throws of the balance of the earth's spin.

7. I have been searching for a Velma (as in Scooby Doo's Velma) costume all day today that I need for camp. Yes, I am embracing the typecast.


Lynn Leaming said...

I like Scramble and Wordpath as well but am better at Wordpath than Scramble. I also have found trying to beat others scores addictive.
Thought it was great that you organized Roadmap for Houston. It is awesome watching God make a dream come true! Glad the kids had a good time, but hopefully they will have the eternal blessing of a closer prayer life!

Cindy Deister said...

Hey, you have friends here! *sniff sniff* We LOVE You!