Thursday, August 28, 2008

We Made It Through (Plus My Friends)

Well...we made it through. We said goodbye to our beloved Granddaddy with much love, laughter, and tears.

As I sit in my grandparents' house typing this, I am surrounded tons of food and even more flowers. It is obvious that my grandparents were loved by so many in their community. Tomorrow, we will begin the process of writing thank you notes, and we will probably spend a good bit of time rearranging the freezer so that we can store some of this food.

I want to thank everyone who called, emailed, or sent notes of condolences. Your prayers and kind words were greatly appreciated.


Due to the events of the past week, I haven't had much of a chance to blog about anything else, but now I will try to get back to that.

As most of you know, this last week was supposed to have been a vacation for me. My plan was to come to Dallas to see all of my friends. That didn't quite work. However, I did get a brief glimpse of everyone on Sunday. In fact, we had Bible Class O'Jennifer.

I was only going to be at Saturn Road through Bible Class time (my dad teaches the oldest 3-year old class). So, my wonderful, tremendous friends sat with me in the seating area of the Children's Wing, and we just got to visit. (Shhh...don't tell anyone that we didn't actually make it to a Bible Class.) We laughed and told stories. We even planned a trip or two. It was the BEST non-vacation I ever could have hoped for, and it made all the difference in the world.

Girls, thanks for skipping Bible Class for me.


Cindy Deister said...

I have been thinking about you in the quiet moments between the wild and crazy moments of this week. I am so sad that you lost your granddaddy, and our family is keeping you and your family in our prayers. We love you very much, and we are so blessed to get to share in your life. Love, Cindy, Aaron, Collin and Cade

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that everything went well! When will you be heading back? In case you have not heard..there is a hurricane headed for LA or maybe even TX. If it turns toward you come here and we will swim and have a minivacation during school hours!

Shannon said...

Bible Class O'Jennifer was the highlight of my week! I was tense and apprehensive about Megan starting Middle School and a few laughs with friends was just the ticket!! If you need a place to stay during the hurricane I've got a guest room free and Lauren would be happy to share her bathroom with you! In fact, she'd much rather share it with you than Mr. Lawrence, the African Missionary staying with us Sunday night!! She's moving into Megan's bathroom for that!!

Anonymous said...

Bible class O' Jennifer rocked for me as well. Not as much time to sit and gab and laugh anymore. Glad you're home- now get your office cleaned up!