Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back in Houston

So, I am now back in Houston.

The trip back was quite uneventful, but I did find a back way that utilized every country road between Houston and Troup. That shaved a good 30 miles off the trip. But (and this is a pretty big but), if you get behind a truck pulling a tractor, the time that you save from going that way quickly gets added back on.

My plan this week is to get caught back up on work. I feel like I haven't been in my office in forever. I'm fairly certain I left it in a most disasterous state.

Good news...the large broken piece of my office furniture was replaced. So, I should be able to move back into my office this week. WOOHOO!!!!!! I have been in a make shift office since the middle of June, and I will be most excited to finally have everything put away and know where everything is.

Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day (and doesn't work too hard).

1 comment:

Lynn Leaming said...

Glad you made it home safely. Hope Gustav doesn't head your direction.