Friday, July 18, 2008

Funniest Thing EVER

Okay, so this may not be the funniest thing ever, but it was something that I discovered the other day that I am still giggling about.

I have an obnoxious whistling ability. I think it comes from the many years of training as a classical musician.

Anyway, the other night at VBS (Night 4, I think), I was waiting for the remaining cast members to get there. While some of us were sitting there up on the stage waiting, somehow, I discovered that dear, sweet Cindy too posessed an uncanny whistling ability.

So, what is one to do while sitting up on the pulpit waiting for the big fish you may ask. Well, we decided that the best use of our time was to whistle different songs from the "Fiddler on the Roof" soundtrack. And I must add that we did not take the easy way out and both whistle the melody. We did this in HARMONY.

I think David Letterman has a "Stupid Human Tricks" night coming up soon on his show. Maybe I can convince Cindy to take this act on the road. We could make tens of dollars.


In other news, Mamma Mia and Dark Knight are out. I may actually go see a movie. I am very excited. So, if you have seen either one and didn't like them, please do not tell me.

Also, the X-Files movie comes out next weekend (I am a secret X-Files fan), so I may actually make 3 trips to the movie theater.

Would it be odd to just go and watch all three on the same day, one right after the other? Just checking.


Cindy Deister said...

We could make more than that! First of all, I have been practicing Matchmaker just for you...also, it's a valuable talent, forget D.L. - I'm thinking "America's Got Talent". I want to meet Hasselhoff.

Jacinda said...

I feel honored to know both of these incredibly talented whistlers!!!!! Who knew my new church home would be so full of people with such a unique talent?!?

Yes, feel free to add my blog to your list!

Roxanne said...

I cannot whistle either in OR out of harmony. I feel cheated that I was sitting in the lobby while the Harmonic Whistlers made their debut.

I have heard Mama Mia is great. Tony and I were X-Files junkies all those years ago--it was our regular t.v. program. Then the movie came out and promised to "answer all the questions" but didn't. THEN I saw that this one was coming out--which I find interesting as David Duchovny had sworn off aliens for awhile. So it will be great to just see Mulder and Skully again.

Not so much into Batman--I loved the first one though. "Tell all your friends. I'm Batman." Who knew Michael Keaton could be so convincing?