Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Night 3

(Roxanne, sorry this post is a little tardy. I had to take a quick nap when I got home this evening before I could do anything.)

If you saw Roxanne's comment to my last post, she gave an excellent description of Night 3. Jennie stole the show. She was a dolphin inside the belly of the fish, and she did indeed inquire as to whether or not Jonah would prefer a cup of tea. It was hysterical.

Additionally, Jonah did make his big entrance sliding down the tongue, but what most people don't know is that in practice tonight, Jonah leapt so heartily onto the tongue that it broke. So, my excellent set lady did some quick thinking made it all better.

Other highlights of the night, were...

1. a Jamacian fish.
2. a fish who sounded a lot like Nell Carter in Gimme a Break.
3. And a disco light in the belly of the fish (I could almost hear ABBA playing in the background).

Night 4 should be just as awesome. Both the parrot and the big fish make another appearance tomorrow.


Roxanne said...

Oh, man. . .I'm gonna miss it. Real estate lady tomorrow so Tony is bringing the kids so I can do some last minute sprucing of our den of filth. At least Tony will get to see Colin. I think I heard the laughter when Kelly broke the tongue--just didn't know what it was for.

Roxanne said...

Again, I am sorry that I missed the final night. . .you can get my packing blow by blow on my blog. . .hope you can get some rest the remainder of the week. The kids had a great time.

Roxanne said...

Are you alive?