Monday, July 14, 2008

Singlehanded Destruction

Yes, singlehanded destruction is the only way to describe it. What may you ask am I referring to? Well, I am talking about singlehandedly messing up the church server with the VBS DVD.

Yes, I am telling the truth, and to top things off, it wiped out the almost completed VBS DVD. Fear not, I have the original nightly recordings that I can piece back together with the use of my new 1 TB (terabyte) external hard drive.

Now, if only I could get my computer to actually start up.

I wonder if it would be possible to create and edit the DVD using y Blackberry?


Jacinda said...

I wanted to check to make sure you got my email about registering Gracie for Art Camp & Katie for Creation Station.....

Sorry about the problems with the VBS dvd~sounds like something I'd be capable of doing, too!!!!!

Roxanne said...

I am sure there was someone who was able to fix it.

LS said...

so would you let the world know it is fixed now??????? :-) ls@mcoc

Jennifer Schroeder said...

Yes, it is now most definitely fixed. We have a WONDERFUL lady here in the office who made everything better.