Monday, July 21, 2008

New Vacuum Cleaner & Chewed-Up Ear Phones

Okay, so it is about 12:10am, and I really had planned on being in bed by now, but I just seem to have so much work to catch up that I am still up working.

I was able to mark a few things off my list. The biggest was the VBS DVD. It is now finished, and I just have to have my person burn it. I even did a second disc which was a lovely slideshow with dutifully inspirational music. All in all, I am fairly pleased with it.

Next thing I was able to mark off my list is getting a new vacuum cleaner. No, I didn't get my dream cleaner. It wasn't in the budget. Instead, I had to settle for a inexpensive Dirt Devil. As most of you know, I LOVE LOVE LOVE to vacuum (yes, it is a disease). So, as I was vacuuming with my new sweeper this evening, I apparently ran over a pair of earphones. If I was previously uncertain about the suction power of this cheap sweeper, I am no longer. It sucked up those ear phones and shredded them pretty well. So much so that I had to vacuum up the pieces of the earphones with the vacuum cleaner.

All I still need to do is get my shirt count figured out and submitted for RoadMaP, send an email to my teachers, and finish drying a load of laundry. Then, it will be off to bed for me.


Deborah said...

Okay, I am WAY jealous!! About the Dyson, not the ear phones.

Cindy Deister said...

I have Dyson Slim, and we really love it because all of our floors are laminate.