Saturday, August 2, 2008

Highlights and Heckling

So, this weekend was Kids' RoadMaP. It was a blast. I am thoroughly exhausted, but I loved every minute. There was lots of laughter, lots of new friends made, and not much sleep, but that is perfectly okay.

Our mission aspect to this year's RoadMaP was a trip to a nursing home to play Bingo with the residents and serve them root beer floats. The kids did great and the residents loved it. However, the residents are super-serious about their Bingo. I was a little surprised. Every so often, one of the residents would yell out at me that I was calling the numbers too fast (or not fast enough) or I wasn't speaking loudly enough. My favorite was when we were getting ready for the final game, and I called "blackout" for that game. There was definitely some rumbling in the wheel chairs.

Well, as summer comes to a close, I have a couple of day events and then camp (I heart camp), and then strangely enough, this summer is over. It has flown by, and it has been lots of fun. However, it is definitely time to catch up on sleep.


Roxanne said...

Road Map sounds like it was a lot of fun. I am sorry that the kids weren't involved much. . .too many VERY large VERY heavy irons in the fire don'tcha know. You've done a great job!!!

karen b said...

my son Andrew is going to RoadMap at Saturn Road next weekend -- he's very excited about it (mostly about seeing Trey)

Cindy Deister said...

Great job at RoadMap. Aaron really enjoyed it, and the boys loved it! You ROCK! I'm so glad you like camp.

Jennifer Schroeder said...

Hi, Karen. How are you? I know Andrew will have a blast at RoadMaP, too. I always ejoyed the Trey RoadMaP's too.

Cindy & Roxanne, thanks, it has been lots of fun.