Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Miss Texas Pageant, Here I Come

So, I came into the office pretty early this morning to get a headstart on my work. I also did it so that I could hopefully steal away late this afternoon for a haircut.

Middle of the morning, I called my normal salon and asked to schedule an appointment. "Way Too Cool Girl" heaved an eye-rolling sigh when I told her that I indeed wanted to schedule an appointment for TODAY. Yes, I know, "Way Too Cool Salon" is incredibly busy, but I had all my fingers crossed in the hopes that they could fit me in.

"Way Too Cool Girl" finally got back on the line to tell me that my normal hair person (who is incredibly nice and normal and only moderately cool) was unavailable, but that she could place me with someone else. I said that would be fine, hung up, and went about my work.

As I sat on the couches in the salon this afternoon waiting to be called, I wondered a bit nervously who would be cutting my hair. As most of you know, I am hair-vain. It is not something that I am proud of, but I have come to terms with it and accepted it as one of my faults.

Once my hair had been shampooed, I was led to a chair. When I saw who would be cutting my hair, I was a little concerned. It was an oldish gentleman (think pageant-guy from Miss Congeniality), but I told him very carefully what I wanted. While he cut, I kept a deer-in-the-headlights watch over his scissors. As he finished the cut, though, I thought to myself that he did a good job, and so I closed my eyes to relax.

That is where I made my mistake. Oh. My. Goodness.

He whipped out the largest round brush he owned and proceeded to tease my hair into beauty queen oblivion. By the time the blow dryer stopped, it was puffy...P-U-F-F-Y puffy. He even commented on how nice and puffy it was.

Don't get me wrong, I know we're in Texas, but I don't really think I come across as a puffy-hair girl.

Anyway, I told him "thank you", paid, and dashed to my car. Once I got in my car, I drove the Walgreens down the street and purchased. I have now been brushing my hair for the last hour trying to diminish the oh-so-puffy-quality. It has gone down a good 3-inches, but there is still a bit of height. Perhaps I should have also purchased a bump-it to create some volume on the top of my head to balance out the sides.

Oh well.

For those who will see me this evening, please be nice to me and my hair.

For those who will not, you can catch a glimpse of me at the Miss Texas Pageant because my hair has now achieved pageant status.


Ryan and Katie said...

This post really needed a picture!! But I will close my eyes and imagine...

Deborah said...


I had to chuckle at just the thought of you buying a bump-it.

Jennifer Schroeder said...

Yeah, there is really NO CHANCE that I would post a picture of the hairdo. It really was that awful. But picture Miss Texas circa 1992, and that is a pretty good comparison.

Roxanne said...

Knowing your penchant for self-deprecation, I think the hair was probably slightly puffy, thereby inducing a panic attack. . .but the story was great. :)