Saturday, May 10, 2008

True Lemon, True Lime, True Orange

If you have not tried the True Lemon trio, you absolutely have to. This has become my new favorite way to drink water. I have been purposely trying to drink more water because the price of sodas is just really getting to me, and this has made it so much easier.

Plus, and I am a little embarrased to admit this, a True Lime poured into a Diet Coke is actually better tasting than the Diet Coke's with Lime (although I am trying to stick to my not-drinking-sodas plan).

If you want to try it, but not shell out the money, click here and you can get a free sample of the three different flavors. You will be glad you did.

1 comment:

Lynn Leaming said...

Thanks Jennifer! I have not heard of this and I have also given up diet coke and trying to drink more water and while I like Crystal Light it would be good to find something with no aspertame. I sent off for my free samples :)