Friday, September 5, 2008

Non-Dairy Creamer

So, this post is my homage to Mythbusters. I admit that I embrace my nerdiness. Therefore, I have to share with you my love of the program Mythbusters. It genuinely fascinates me.

So, if you caught the latest episode of Mythbusters, you no doubt learned just how combustable non-dairy coffee creamer is. I am now a little worried about the amount of creamer my grandmother keeps in the house.

Basically, the point of the last episode was to prove (or disprove) some of the popular videos that are making their way around the internet. I thought you might enjoy seeing the videos that they CONFIRMED.

The first was the firehose car. (The following is the internet clip they based their experiment on and reproduced.)

The second was the sawdust (then non-dairy coffee creamer) explosion. (This is also the internet clip they based their experiment on and reproduced--first with sawdust then with creamer.)

Lastly, is just a clip of them each solving a rubiks cube (one blind folded and one with his feet).

Now, the rubiks cube clip is not real. They just put that clip on the web to see how many people they could get to believe it. They revealed the answer to how it worked on the show.

So, since this post seems to be a post all about clips, here is the latest one that I enjoy that a friend sent me.

Doesn't it make you want to create your own one man boy band?

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