Sunday, September 28, 2008

Follow-Up to Previous Post

Okay, so it seems I need to do a follow-up to the previous post. Item #68 referred to my Darth Vader Money Bank, and both my dad and my aunt commented on the story behind the DVMB. They both think I need to give you more details on that story, and since it is so strongly etched into my mind, I think I will do just that.

First of all, you must understand that for the past 30+ years (ever since my grandparents had more than 1 grandchild), they have traditionally gotten their grandchildren the same gift(s) for Christmas. One year, they got all of the grandkids these really cool tables, and another year it was super hero pajamas. The year prior to the whole money bank incident, we each got a really good hammer (that hammer also has a story behind it, but that is for a later day).

The second important fact is that there are 7 grandchildren - 5 boys and 2 girls (counting me). The 5 boys and I are pretty very close in age, while the other girl is about 14-15 years younger than me. So, it was the 6 of us that each got the same gift for so many years.

Well, the Christmas morning of the money bank incident, everything seemed to be going as usual. We ate breakfast. We opened our stockings, and then it was time for gifts. As we started opening the gifts, I saw the cool money bank that the boys were each opening. It was a Darth Vader money bank who played the theme song, spoke, and used his light saber when you either put money in it or pushed the button. And, I started looking forward to opening my own not just because it was the special gift for that Christmas, but also because we were all Star Wars fans (yes, please feel free to openly mock my inner geek).

I honestly don't remember what all I got for Christmas that year. I feel certain that I received some really nice items because my grandparents (and their shopping elf) always did a good job of selecting gifts. However, when the realization set in that a Darth Vader Money Bank was not among the gifts that I opened, I was heartbroken.

Yes, you read that correctly. I was heartbroken.

I remember hearing my grandfather tell my grandmother that he told her if she was getting one for the boys, then she should get one for me.

After all of that on Christmas morning, I tried to just brush it aside, and not worry about it. The boys, in all of their kindness and sensitivity, set about reminding me each and every moment of that day that they each had a money bank and I did not.

Unfortunately, it did not end there.

When I got back to college a couple of days later, there were messages on my answering machine from Darth Vader. In fact, for many weeks after Christmas, the boys would take turns calling me and "playing" their money banks.

In the end, my grandmother ended up sending me a late Christmas gift...a Darth Vader Money Bank, and I still have it to this day.


Roxanne said...

That is a GREAT story.

Cindy Deister said...

"I want those PLANS...choooochuuuusssss"

Deborah said...

LOVE this story. I must say, though, I cracked up when you said, "A couple days after I got back to college..." I was expecting this to be a story from, say, early elementary school?! Glad you are now complete with your bank.

Elizabeth said...

I agree with Deborah...I was waiting for you to tell us you were in gradeschool, not college! Too funny! Glad you have your bank though. I love star wars too!!!