Monday, October 13, 2008

Wouldn't You Know It I have to be honest...I really don't have the time to update my blog tonight. I was already behind on my work from this weekend, and then I had an all-day meeting today. So, I am REALLY behind now.

However, the last 30 minutes have inspired me to carve out a few minutes for an update.

As I was leaving work today, a couple of the wonderful office ladies sent me home with a couple of leftover biscuits from this mornings staff meeting. You see, I make a week's worth of Deborah's Whole Wheat Pancakes to eat for breakfast on Sunday or Monday night, and then just heat one up each morning. However, they knew I didn't have time tonight (and I didn't get it done last night). So, they sent me home with breakfast so tomorrow morning is taken care of.

When I got home, I realized that I didn't have any dinner stuff ready to heat up either. So, I threw a handful of noodles in a pot, and once they were ready I mixed a little spaghetti sauce in.

As I was sitting down to eat, I thought ever so briefly that I should probably change out of the ALL WHITE shirt I wore to work today. But then I realized that I was an adult, and I could probably eat spaghetti without making too much of a mess.

Oh how wrong I was!

The spaghetti kept sliding off my fork and down the front of my all white shirt, and I only seemed to make the mess worse as I would try to pick it off my shirt. Needless to say, my shirt is no longer all white. In fact, it has been doused with Shout and is soaking in the wash.

Lesson to self, spaghetti doesn't care what age you are.

Okay...thanks for letting me back to work.


Dustin Bartee said...

You make me laugh...and I feel in someway that my current chuckles will catch up with me later, and I will join in the club of pasta sauce spillers. Talk to you soon.

Roxanne said...

I do not look great in yellow. . .but there is this ONE SHADE of yellow that I can wear. I have TWO items of clothing in that ONE shade of yellow that I have been able to find, and BOTH of them have been besmirched with some sort of food product. The one that would NOT come out? Ranch dressing.