Thursday, December 24, 2009

2 Indications That It Is Almost Christmas

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone. Christmas is almost here, and with the approach of Christmas comes a whole new brand of crazy. Everyone is scurrying around to finish last minute gift shopping and grocery shopping. The time of season that should bring about peace and joy to everyone instead encourages impatience and a penchant towards road rage. Therefore, I have resolved to find my "inner ho-ho-ho" as I survive (I mean enjoy) the last 24 hours leading up to Christmas.

With all of that being said, here is my countdown list of 2 Indications That It Is Almost Christmas.

2. The sheer volume of sweets that seem to magically appear. Seriously, I don't know if this happens at anyone else's house, but in my family, boxes, tins, trays, and platters seem to materialize out of nowhere the moment Christmas seems to be upon us. My family even had to move an extra bookshelf into the dining area to help house said sweets. We have peanut patties, peanut brittle, fudge with nuts, fudge without nuts, 7 tubs of ice cream (two flavors), cupcakes, 2 banana puddings, pies, and a few other boxes-tins-trays-platters that I didn't even have a chance to open up. Christmas is definitely at our doorstep.

1. There is a line for the bathroom (and no, I am not venturing into the world of gastrointestinal issues...ick, gross). What the line indicates is that the house is full of people. I am currently out at my grandparents farm, and with everyone there, we have 30 people. And that means 30 people for 2 bathrooms. I think that ratio would have the OCIA people concerned. But it is almost Christmas, and the Christmas spirit means that it is okay to wait an uncomfortable length of time for your turn in the restroom.

Well, tomorrow brings the conclusion of my countdown list. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate and tomorrow's #1 list can go out with a bang (complete with PICTURES).

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

I have resolved to find my "inner ho-ho-ho"

Seriously. This could be taken a MYRIAD of ways. Hilarious none-the-less. But still.