Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lessons from Cooking for Thanksgiving

So, I have been "cooking up a storm" since about 4pm this afternoon (it is currently a little after midnight). Everyone else in the house has gone to bed, but I am still waiting on my last pumpkin pie to come out of the oven.

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am not a stellar cook. However, over the past few months, I have been working hard to do a lot more cooking. So, I was excited to get to cook some of the Thanksgiving meal. I still have a number of items to get up early and work on, but I thought I would go ahead and tell you some of the things that I have learned up to this point. These are definitely "must knows" so that all of your cooking turns out just as wonderfully as mine.

1. Don't lick the spoon that you used to scrape out the can of Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk as you are getting ready to throw the spoon in the sink. You will GAG, and the obnoxious sweetness of it will simulate a burning feeling as it goes down your throat.

2. If you keep messing up the banana pudding and finally get it right on the 4th one, then you probably didn't need banana pudding to begin with.

3. A pumpkin pie shell filled to the brim with pie filling will not contain all of its contents as one makes the journey from the counter to the oven.

4. If you hold the beaters up out of the mixing bowl while the mixer is still on, you will splatter batter everywhere.

5. It shouldn't take 3 boxes of Vanilla Wafers to make one banana pudding, but it does if you have to keep starting over (and your dad eats quite a few before you start).

6. When you accidentally drop frozen mounds of strawberries into red jello mixture, there will be lots of red spots on the cabinet, counter top, and floor to clean up.

7. It is actually possible to have to load and run the dishwasher 3 times amidst cooking, and still run out of dishes.

Well, there is still more cooking to be done. So, if I learn any more valuable lessons to share with you guys, I will most definitely let you know.


Anonymous said...

And Jenn forgot to tell you that as you're spilling pumpkin pie into the hot oven, if you touch the rack with your arm you can give yourself a nasty burn. And, I'm not the ONLY ONE who eats vanilla wafers around this house.

It's wonderful to have your children home for a holiday!

MB (money bags, a.ka. Dad)

Roxanne said...

Oh, man, sounds like you are doing a WONDERFUL job. I LOVE your list of lessons. And, for the record, I am a really good cook but dumped rice into chicken broth that was not boiling yet (for chicken and rice the other day), then had to scoop all of the soggy rice out of the chicken broth with a slotted spoon so that it wouldn't get ruined. I was distracted by one of the three people who live in my house AND the ringing phone AND the t.v. AND the conversation I was having at the time.


And I think three boxes of vanilla wafers is a PERFECTLY acceptable amount to use for one banana pudding. :) Enjoy your time at home.

Lynn Leaming said...

Glad you are taking the risk to learn those lessons. Bet you have a great Thanksgiving meal. I take the easy road and just use Instant Banana Cream Pudding and then Banana Pudding is a cinch and one of my favorite quick desserts.