Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Can Water Balloons Really Be a Good Idea

Two posts in one day...I think I am as shocked as the rest of you are.

So, this post is in honor of Lisa Peace, whom I just got off the phone with. She called asking if we had small balloons in the workroom. So, as I went to look, I asked what they were for, so that I could see if we had something that would work.

Turns out, she needs small balloons to make water balloons with the 1st and 2nd grade tonight. My first reaction is, "How fun!" My second reaction was, "Do I need to buy towels when I go to the store to buy balloons."

Regardless, I am thinking I may walk my little 2's and 3's down to her class tonight because it sounds way more fun than the animal shapes we are doing for Noah.

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