Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Who Knew

Who knew attending a youth minister's conference could be so much fun? I have had a blast these past few days at NCYM. I attended because they had asked me to speak, but I have gotten so much more out of it.

The speakers have been WONDERFUL! In fact, I have already purchased a couple of books from the speakers that I am super-excited to read. The singing has been even better. I find myself looking forward to the singing as we go into our morning session, then again for the evening session. What an amazing way to praise God--a few hundred voices singing in pure exaltation.

It really has been an experience--very invigorating and just what I needed to get my mind turning over new ideas and considering all the possibilties that abound within my ministry. Don't get me wrong, I L.O.V.E. my job, but Sunday AMs, Wednesday PMs, and all but the 2nd and 4th Sunday PMs are spent working, and so to have this opportunity to just worship without any duties attached has been amazing.

Plus, the youth ministers from the Houston area have been great and really have let me tag along with them. In fact, I think I promised a few of them bobble-head Jesus dolls as a gesture of gratitude.

Well, I am a bit sleepy, and I hope to be up early again for the early morning devotional. So, it is off to bed for me.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the "family time" you had, too! I know it was fun!


Jennifer Schroeder said...

Definitely. It was so good to see Erik and meet Tiffani. Plus, they took me to some wonderful eateries.

Roxanne said...

I have never in all of my life heard of a bobble-head Jesus doll, but after the coniption fit I threw for you today, I should probably take to carrying one with me everywhere I go.

I still have a head ache and swollen eyes from my "afternoon of fun." I'm hoping that all of it--including my anger hangover will be gone by tomorrow.

Jennifer Schroeder said...

You are always welcome to through a hissy fit with me.