Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hi ho hi ho...It's off to San Diego I go!

Well, folks. I leave for San Diego in the morning for the CPC conference. I am super-excited. Not only will this be a cool conference, but I'll get to hang out with my long lost friends.

I hope desperately to come home with a bobble-head Jesus doll.


Dustin Bartee said...

Aaahhh I am so jealous of the prospect of a bobble-head Jesus doll...bring me an extra if you can!

Deborah said...

Okay, my fellow music-nerd friend...rhythmically, you should've left off the "I go" part of your title. I had to make "It's off to San Diego I" into entirely too many 16th notes.

By the way, I hope you have a great trip. Oh, and have you seen the Jesus dolls in the bookstores that actually quote Scripture? Oh yeah, Pat totally has one in his office.

Roxanne said...

That way, when you pray, you just give Jesus a little tap and he says "yes" to all of your requests.

You are so smart.