Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oh the Excitement...

I am giddy with excitement!!!!

I finally got my David, Moses, and Jesus dolls ordered today. They aren't bobble-heads, but they do talk. The David one sounds a little like he has emphysema.

I'll try to post video of it when they came in so that all of you guys can see these for yourselves.

I already have the perfect spot for them...on the shelf next to bobble-head Dwight.

Also, on a side note. I have a new favorite Bible verse--2 Chronicles 14:14, but you have to read it in the NIV to get the full affect.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, baby! Emphysema David rocks!

Roxanne said...

You are SUCH a 7th grade boy. Jehosaphat!!!!

Roxanne said...

I was referencing the scripture. . .not the asthmatic David. I ran RIGHT on over to my online Bible (rather than going into the kitchen to get my own). Fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Dustin Bartee said...

Booty! You silly dump truck. Love ya gal.