Sunday, February 1, 2009

How Cool Would That Be?

Be honest...if I asked you to spell my last name, how many of you could really do it without cheating? I realize it is an unsual last name, and there are a number of consonants linked together, but really, is it that hard? My church credit card even has my name misspelled on it.

Oh well, I've grown used to it. There aren't too many of us in the United States, and that uniqueness has it's advantages.

With as few of us as there are, I was surprised to find out that there was an Emerson G. Reinsch Library at Marymount University. Alas, he is not related to my family, but since no one might otherwise figure it out, could I just pretend that he was, because how cool would it be to have a library named after your family?
(P.S. I couldn't find a picture, so here is a picture of the campus map.)

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

Being a teacher. . .and a mother. . .I actually COULD spell your name correctly. I ALWAYS ask people how their name is spelled. . ."Is that Sarah with an "h" or without? Are you Steven with a "ph" or a "v?"

I can also pronounce AND spell first and last names from several countries (and continents) I've never visited as well as guess the age of most children up to 14.

It's a gift.